"Breaking In" Your Orthotics

October 21, 2018

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Kinetic Konnection

If you’ve ever suffered from foot, knee, or lower back pain, you’re not alone. Every day, a great number of Canadians visit their doctors and ask what can be done to relieve their chronic discomfort and promote a pain-free future. Their doctors often recommend they visit a chiropodist to assess their pain and receive expert advice on what can truly help their situation: orthotics, and specifically “breaking in” your orthotics to relieve the pain.

When you visit your local Kinetic Konnection, one of our chiropodists (a health care professional who can assess and treat foot conditions) will learn more about your pain and possibly suggest orthotics among other things to correct your biomechanics. Once your custom orthotics arrive and our chiropodist fits them for you, you begin your break-in period and the first step to relieving your chronic pain.


Your feet have been functioning in a specific way for years, and the foot, knee and lower back pain you’re experiencing is the result of this misaligned functionality. Essentially, your new custom fitted orthotics are meant to realign your foot to eventually relieve your pain and fatigue, and break-in your body to the orthotics themselves.

For most of you, your new orthotics will feel uncomfortable at first, like you’re standing on a small, hard ball and applying a lot of pressure to the arch of your foot. For others they may feel great! Regardless of what they feel like right off the bat, it is so important to ease your body slowly into wearing them. The orthotics are changing the way the muscles in your feet work and the way your foot has been functioning since you began walking. Unfortunately, it will take some time to get used to your new orthotics, but they’ll make a world of a difference for relieving your pain and aiding in your future comfort.

Our chiropodists will suggest you begin “breaking in” your orthotics by wearing them for 1 hour each day to start. After a few days, you should begin increasing the time by 1 hour and so forth, until you no longer feel them in your shoes.

It’s important to remember not to be discouraged if you don’t get used to them right away. It can take up to 4 weeks before you actually feel completely comfortable wearing your orthotics all day long.

We also suggest you do not wear them for any strenuous physical activity until you feel completely comfortable with wearing your orthotics all the time. If you overdo it, you may experience sore feet, ankles, knees, hips, and even lower back pain. These are clear signs that you’ve worn your orthotics too much, too soon.

If you’re still experiencing difficulty wearing them all day after about 4 weeks of “breaking in” your orthotics, it’s time to head back to speak with your chiropodist for a possible adjustment. We’re always happy to help.

Contact us for more information about breaking in your orthotics or call one of our 6 locations to book an appointment to get fitted today!

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