< Knee Injuries

Meniscus (Cartilage) Injury

Learn about Meniscus (Cartilage) Injury, its causes, and recommended products to help you heal.
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Meniscus (Cartilage) Injury - Essential info, expert advice and product recommendations

What is it?

The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that provides cushion between the femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone). A meniscus injury may include symptoms of pain, swelling and stiffness, and difficulty bending/ straightening the patella (knee).

Why do I have it?

Meniscus injuries occur when sudden stops and changes in direction take place. This injury is commonly seen in addition to other knee injuries.

When does it hurt?

Weight-bearing activities are likely to cause increased pain. Avoid impact injuries such as running and jumping.

The Bracing Experts Advice

A meniscus tear doesn’t mean game over—it just means smart support. Use a brace to limit twisting and side load during movement. Wear it during activity, especially when turning or pivoting. Here’s a smart tip: Pair it with regular icing after activity to stay ahead of swelling. You’re not bracing because you’re broken. You’re bracing because you’re rebuilding.

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Brace It. Do More. Pro Tip:

A meniscus tear doesn’t mean game over—it just means smart support. Use a brace to limit twisting and side load during movement. Wear it during activity, especially when turning or pivoting. Here’s a smart tip: Pair it with regular icing after activity to stay ahead of swelling. You’re not bracing because you’re broken. You’re bracing because you’re rebuilding.

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